Interesting article. However, I did call 311 about 2 months ago while walking on the Loop under First Avenue bridge on the south side. I walk from my home to classes at OLLI, on First Ave. I called 311 after seeing two people who appeared to be sleeping, but were more likely post drug dose, and draped over the railing and one lane of the path. When I contacted 311, they said they really don’t get involved in situations like that and if were really concerned, I should call 911. I didn’t feel the situation needed a 911 call, as other homeless people were hanging around them, and if they were really in trouble, I’m sure their friends would also be concerned. But I felt a welfare check could have been helpful. This is an area with quite a few homeless hanging around, and I do occasionally see drug paraphernalia. I don’t have solutions, but I am a concerned citizen, and want to know more about how I can help. But 311 did not seem to be the solution for my concern.

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Tucson has a housing hotline, 520.791.2540, that is supposed to be a sort of non-emergency number for issues like this. I've found it to be slow but helpful in the past. I'm surprised 311 didn't direct you to that number (unless it's been shut down since I last used it).

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