We were successful in getting an AMA (Active Management Area) established to slow the excessive groundwater pumping in the Douglas Basin. Most of the harmful pumping was the responsibility of out of State agricultural entities. They drilled down 200+ feet and peoples wells were going dry. We can't wait for people to do what's best for the San Pedro "River". They won't. Establish AMA protection from the Border to the confluence with the Gila. It's the only way.

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Oooops...meant to write "2000+" feet. Hah...big difference.

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Unfortunately Cuevas’ time on the TUSD board was less than stellar. He was very young, so maybe thats why he followed the Superintendent and Board colleagues into closing multiple schools without any indication that he cared one way or another about the students and parents . Our site council invited him and Adelita Grijalva to come tour our school when it was on the chopping block and he spent the whole tour and discussion on his cellphone while Ms Grijalva attended to her fingernails. So bland phrases like “ more experience in office” don’t really cover the reality of how much of a sycophant he was at that time. Ultimately our school was not closed but it certainly wasn’t thanks to Miguel Cuevas. I hope you will afford April Ignacio the chance to answer the debate questions in written form as it is high time Bronson’s area, which includes alot of Native American land, was represented by a Native American who is actually aware of and deeply involved in trying to fix the issues facing her community.

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