I agree with the neighbors. I would be concerned about that old dump. Regarding the reference to an old paint store that dumped in the area, is that a reference to the old Pioneer Paints? If so, the environment state of that area has been in and out of the news for a long time. Thanks for the update.

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I'm very interested to hear your future reporting on the S 10th housing project. Kudos to residents for speaking up and demanding the site be thoroughly evaluated and if necessary, cleaned up before building new housing. Still, the city should act quickly because new housing is desperately needed. Delays in environmental evaluation and cleanup only delay projects longer than needed, and both new and current residents would benefit from a clean, safe place to live.

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Thank you for this. Developing polluted ground for humans never ends well. Shame on the mayor and her Ward 1 lackey.

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Wondering if you are going to do any coverage of the efforts in Pima County to get abortion access petition signed and opposition to those efforts?

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