It seems like closing schools on election day would put additional childcare burdens on many parents - potentially disenfranchising those who can't afford or don't have access to alternatives.

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Seems like making it more difficult for lower-income families to vote might be a feature, not a bug.

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A new City of Tucson sales tax? Before the city asks for more sales tax (a tax on the poor and middle class), they should be transparent in how much money they are giving away to developers and corporations in GPLETs and other perks. The city and county are both out of compliance with state transparency laws on the tax giveaways. I wrote about it last summer. The links are still broken. Prescott, Flagstaff, Phoenix -- all display the names of business that got tax breaks, what they got and what they're building. In Tucson, we can't follow the money. That's a problem.

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