In the same job training/access vein, take a look at JobPath! Originally organized by Pima County Interfaith after a citywide walk by almost a thousand, JobPath has emerged as a shining star in Southern Ariona. (BTW given the media obscurity of small towns like Oracle you might find frankpierson.substack.com of interest).

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Both great tips- thank you!

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Thanks for highlighting the value of options and innovations in 9-12 education offered at this campus. It's also extremely important to monitor and report the transportation options - as in, will SunTran recognize the importance to the community of considering this as a mini-hub as they re-work routes?

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Have you looked at the geographic distribution of JTED offerings? It was uneven when I looked at it pre-COVID. What was offered to Foothills students was different from what was offered to Southside students. Back then, if you lived on the Southside and wanted to take the cool STEM/video classes in the Foothills, you had to get there or settle for culinary arts or machine tooling offered down south. Many after school JTED classes rely on the students having transportation or already being at that school. I'm curious if the same limitations exist.

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