"Number of the day" seems like it'd be a fun little stinger!

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Thanks for the tip on the medical examiners data dashboard. It would be awesome to get the same transparency from local government on campaign finance AND on the GPLET/Rio Nuevo tax giveaway deals. Reporters and the people shouldn't have to dig around to find the facts. Wasn't there a plan to fold local elections into the state campaign finance reporting system?

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Not sure why journalists don't cover the fact that Joaquin Murrieta Park has been lacking a swimming pool for years. Kids on the west side have had nowhere to cool off for well over a decade. Ward 1 politicians should have been apologizing. And they can cut out the self-congratulations at this late date.

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Spot on! It is a great park that has been neglected.

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Some years ago, I went to search city campaign donation records. A bund of mismatched ledgers were in a closet and I was "allowed" to look through them. The disorganization was so purposeful. I was looking for particular street and road repair contractors' donations to Council members such that they were able to get protection from noise ordinances. Is there an electronic database yet?

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Good job today bringing a topic we didn't know we didn't know! Thanks.

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